How many times have you heard someone say “I want to find my soul mate?” Since we do intuitive and other types of readings and analyses (using comprehensive handwriting analysis, astrology, numerology and tarot) the subject of love and soul mates is a popular one; we hear it on a weekly, and sometimes daily basis.
1. The “Everyone Has One Soul Mate” Myth
2. The “When Soul Mates Find Each Other, The Perfect Relationship Will Automatically Ensue” Myth
3. The “Soul Mate Relationships are Meant to Last Forever” Myth
4. The “Twin Flame” Myth
5. The “You Can Create the Love Life of Your Dreams if You Choose to do So” Myth
6. The “Your Soul Mate is the Love of Your Life” Myth
7. The “A soul Mate Relationship Failed if it Didn’t Last a Lifetime” Myth
8. The “Waiting for a Soul Mate to Come Back” Myth
9. The “I Should Meet my Soul Mate by Age 25 (or 30 or 40 or Whatever Age)” Myth
It would be nice if you could just apply for and receive your soul mate at a certain age, much like you do a driver’s license. The reality is that some people are meant to meet a more compatible person or people early in life, and some must have a little more patience.
We are able to determine, by looking at someone’s comprehensive numerology and astrology charts and, or through an intuitive reading, when they are likely to meet that special person or special people, and everyone’s timing is different.
Considering the above soul mate myths and viewing your love life with fresh perspective should lead to more happiness, and perhaps in a different way than you first thought.
If you’re single and would like to meet a compatible soul mate, the best approach is to let go of the past, accept and learn to like being single, and remain open to people who don’t fit every one of your requirements.
If you’re involved and would like to improve your relationship, let go of the past, accept your partner as they are, and do what you can to make the most of the relationship.