Is it ok to have sex during that time of the month?
This post was sparked by a question that we got from a good friend of ours. He asked us if it was OK to have sex with his girlfriend during that time of the month.
Our immediate reaction was "Why are you asking us instead of your girlfriend?" This is a topic that you should discuss with your partner, not your friends – unless of course your friends are having sex with your partner ;-).
While we may joke about it, this is a question that a lot of people, men especially, would like to know the answer to. If you ask 10 different people, you’re likely to get 10 different answers.
Men and women are often at odds over this seemingly simple question.
Some guys think it’s icky; others can’t go a whole week without sex and couldn’t care less.
Some women want nothing to do with a man during that entire week, and others can’t get enough.
We’ve certainly tried it, but it’s not our favorite time to have sex. We do however; really enjoy the week and a half that comes right AFTER that week.
Now that you’ve heard how we feel about it, we want to know what you think.
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