While the idea that you can save your relationship and get back together with your ex via text messages may seem a bit ludicrous at first, if you’re hurting after a break up and want your partner back, this is definitely something you’ll want to give a shot. Texting is rampant these days, with everyone and their dog having a cell phone.
Many people communicate with their phone through texting only, and others text far more than they actually talk to people on the phone. When you think about it that way, using texting to get your relationship back on track doesn’t seem like such a silly idea, now does it?
The Good
While using your cell phone to repair your relationship after a nasty break up seems way too simple to be true, Text Your Ex Back is actually chock full of great tips and resources. You’ll learn why your relationship went south, how you contributed to it, and what to do to get it back. And you can do all of this by just using your cell phone. Fancy that!
Perhaps the true meat of the guide here is not necessarily what buttons to push on your phone to make your ex magically appear back at your side (although you’ll get plenty instruction on what exactly to do), but the pearls of wisdom about how relationships and break ups work. To be honest, anyone who has ever gone through a break up will find a lot of use out of this guide. Even if you don’t have a cell phone and are using dial up internet. Really.
The Bad
Text Your Ex Back isn’t a terribly fun read. Chances are, if you’re even looking at this product, your heart is open and bleeding all over the floor already. The guide requires you to take a good, hard look at yourself and your relationship, and requires you to analyze all the different things that contributed to the break up. This. Is. Not. Fun. Period.
But it’s necessary – absolutely necessary – if you even want to have a prayer of getting your relationship back. If you’re at the place where you’ll do whatever you need to do to get your ex back, then this is the guide for you. If you’re still being cocky and blaming your partner for everything bad that ever happened in the relationship, you are definitely not emotionally developed enough to get any value out of this guide and you’ll likely put it down before you even get to the good parts.
But if you’re ready – really ready – to do what it takes to get your ex back, Text Your Ex Back is an invaluable tool. Nothing worth getting comes easy, and if you really believe that your ex is a person worth getting back, then the road to get there is not going to be easy. Take it or leave it, but that’s the way it is.
The Bottom Line
Text Your Ex Back is an excellent guide to getting your ex back – although it’s not the most “fun” read out there. You really need to be in a place where you can take some criticism and some self examination to heart and use it to better yourself and correct the mistakes you’ve made. If you’re not emotionally “there” yet – where you can admit fault, forgive yourself, forgive your partner and move forward – your cell phone isn’t going to help you one bit.
But if you’re ready, really ready, to get your ex back, Text Your Ex Back will get you going. It will take you from examining what went wrong in your relationship and how you played a part, to repairing your relationship using just your cell phone. In all honesty, this is one of the most unique break up advice guides. Even if you don’t end up getting back together (which is entirely possible, because the book makes no guarantees), you’re going to have way better relationships in the future because of this guide. However, the author’s understanding of relationships, break ups and the differences between men and women are your most powerful ally and chances are, if you do what the book says and give it your all, you will get back together with your ex. What are you waiting for?
The Full Text Your Ex Back Review
A break up is tough, but it’s a safe bet that you’ll experience a break up at some point in your lifetime. They suck pretty hard, even if you’re the one that did the breaking up. They especially suck if you’re not the one who did the breaking up. So what do you do if your relationship is over and you’re realizing that you most definitely do not want it to be over? Is there any hope of reversing the break up and saving your relationship?
Fortunately, the answer is yes!
You are not doomed to be alone for the rest of your life. The fight isn’t over yet!
Esteemed relationship and seduction guru Michael Fiore (you may have seen him showing off his mad texting skills on the Rachel Ray show) gives us Text Your Ex Back – a guide on how to use something as simple as text messages to bring your faltering relationship back to life.
But does it WORK?
Why Texting Is Such A Great Idea
The idea simply sounds too good to be true – a few simple text messages to each other and you and your ex are back on track like nothing ever happened. Well, maybe it’s not that good, but Michael points out from the get-go why texting can be so darn effective if you’re trying to repair your relationship.
- Texting is private and intimate, yet often takes place in very public settings. Texting is like having a secret conversation with your ex in the middle of your busy lives.
- Texting allows you to talk to your ex without the pressure of confrontation. Confrontation can be disastrous, especially if the relationship didn’t end well. Texting allows you to talk to each other without the heat.
- Texting allows you to build the intimacy and desire back into your relationship in the middle of your day to day activities. Everyone is busy with day to day stuff, and they don’t always have time for romance or even a decent conversation with someone. But with texting, you can converse with your ex in an intimate way, all throughout walking the dogs, taking care of the kids, working, grocery shopping, etc.
- With texting, you are in TOTAL CONTROL of what you say to your ex. You can review what you’ve said before you sent it, edit it and make sure you’re saying the right things before the message ever gets to your ex. This can cushion the blow of the break up, because often after a break up, things are said that neither person means, or the tone is mistaken, etc. With your cell phone, you can send the right messages every time.
Examining Your Break Up
What You’ll Learn In Text Your Ex Back
- Why your old relationship is dead and why you’re never, ever going to get it back (but you can STILL get your ex back!)
- How to forgive your former partner and how to forgive yourself
- How dating other people can help you get your ex back (it’s true!)
- What to say – and what not to – during your first few text messages
- What kind of texts to avoid at all costs!
Text Your Ex Back even goes into so much detail as to prime you for what to say next depending on what type of response you get. Michael Fiore makes it so easy, you really can’t go wrong! The texting part is easy – so if you can make it through the beginning of the book, the rest is a cake walk. There are also tons (TONS!!) of examples you can use, which is excellent for people who get stuck thinking about what to say or how to say it. Tailor the examples to you and your former partner’s personal experiences and it’s in the bag. While Text Your Ex Back makes no absolute guarantees that this method will get you back together with your former love, it does guarantee that if you put the effort in, you’re going to be better at relationships and a better person over all. How could you possibly lose?