If you’re struggling with premature ejaculation and don’t find a way of stopping it, soon you’re going to have to deal with the ugly situation of a frustrated partner.
Luckily you don’t need pills, herbs, gadgets or special creams to last longer in bed.
All you need to do is change some of the things you do before and during sex.
Now since most men don’t know this a lot of them will look for a pill to cure the problem. Or maybe they’ll check out some special herbal treatment. Before I ended my premature ejaculation, I tried a bunch of different things like “special condoms” that were supposed to help me last longer, But all they did was numb the end of my penis slightly, take away from the pleasure of sex and not even help me last any longer.
But eventually I had a breakthrough!
What Premature Ejaculation Really Is
Premature ejaculation isn’t just some uncontrollable “thing” experienced by unlucky men. Premature ejaculation happens for a reason. It happens when you trigger yourself to orgasm earlier than you want to. And an orgasm doesn’t just happen out of nowhere. There are very specific things you do to trigger yourself to orgasm. And often you’ll end up doing things to trigger orgasms without even realizing it.
So when it comes to sex, if you can be more aware of exactly what triggers you to orgasm, and then change those things, you can last longer in bed.
For example, one hugely common trigger of orgasm is fast thrusting. As men, it’s instinctive for us when having sex to thrust as quickly as possible. We see it in all the porn movies (if you watch porn that is) and for whatever reason it just seems to come naturally.
But the funny thing is that when you ask a woman what things she really likes in bed, rarely will “hard and fast thrusting” be at the top of her list.
So the reality is, is that there’s a disconnect here.
Women tend to value other things much more than fast thrusting. For example, women tend to value the emotion you bring during sex. How much attention are you paying to them? How present are you? Are you leading with passion? Are you taking control in a fun enjoyable way? These are the kind of things she’s much more concerned about.
So what does all this mean when it comes to premature ejaculation?
How To Avoid Premature Ejaculation Triggers
Well it means that if a huge trigger for premature ejaculation is fast thrusting in only a few sex positions, then you need to avoid it! There are many things besides fast thrusting that you can do to please the woman you’re with, then fast thrusting probably isn’t a great place to start when it comes to sex.
The next time you have sex start by thrusting a lot slower. By thrusting slower at the start it’s much easier for you to last longer because you’re stimulating yourself less. At the same time, by thrusting slower you’re still giving her lots of pleasure, because she’s likely to interpret it as you being caring, passionate and taking control of the situation.
Of course you can always speed up your thrusting later, because some women do enjoy that, but at least by starting out slow you’ll give yourself a chance to last longer than usual.
So there’s one example of how by becoming aware of what triggers you to orgasm you can learn to last longer in bed.
Why Relaxation During Sex Is Key
Another thing that commonly triggers a man to orgasm is a build up of physical tension. Increasing physical tension is something that happens naturally and subconsciously when we have sex. You may have noticed that while having sex your muscles become more and more tense. In particular you’ll probably notice that you’re leg and butt muscles become very tense and tight. Just before orgasm is when they reach their maximum tightness. And just as you orgasm all your energy is released and all that tension melts away.
Most of the time tension is actually required for an orgasm to happen. If it weren’t for tension then there would be no pressure to release through orgasm.
And being someone who wants to last longer in bed you can take advantage of this.
High levels of physical tension and tight muscles are a trigger for orgasm. If you can lower your physical tension and reduce muscle tightness then you can avoid your orgasm trigger.
And doing this is very simple.
Like I said, most of the time this happens subconsciously. You don’t say to yourself “right, I want to orgasm now, so I’m going to tense my muscles.” It just happens. So all it takes to relax your muscles is to become conscious of them. Start noticing when your muscles are tightening and getting tense, and when they do, just relax them. Focus on keeping your muscles relaxed throughout sex, until you want to orgasm. You may also want to take some slow deep breaths, because this will help to relax your muscles as well.
By fully relaxing your muscles you’re eliminating tension in your body, which is a powerful trigger for orgasm. And by removing your orgasm trigger, you can last longer in bed.
If you now remove both the orgasm triggers I’ve just talked about and any other orgasm trigger you can think of, lasting longer in bed naturally should be no problem. And like I promised, no pills, herbs or special creams needed.