An orgasm is something that almost every woman has faked at least once – but how can a guy tell a fake climax from a real one? There are lots of ways to tell the difference – here’s how to find out if she’s actually had a real climax and how you can spot a fake almost instantly.
I really don’t know, or can’t tell if a woman had a real orgasm or a fake one. If a woman had an orgasm and asks me to slow down, sometimes actually asks me to stop kissing her neck or body for a minute, does that mean the orgasm is real?
–YouTube Viewer
How To Tell The Difference
If you’re in the moment with a woman during your partner’s orgasm and are really feeling your woman and feeling the energy, you can definitely tell if it was real or fake. A lot of guys get stuck on having the right techniques during sex that they forget to simply be aware of what is actually going on and being in the moment. If you’re not feeling any emotions or energy coming back from her during climax, she’s probably not being honest it.
Note Your Partner’s Breathing
Women begin breathing heavier when they get closer and closer to climax. She’ll be gasping for breath when she’s almost there and she may even start holding her breath for periods of time, simply because she’s so into it and what you’re doing that she literally is forgetting to breathe!
Look At The Vagina
If you’re in a position to look at the vagina while she’s nearing the big “O”, such as with oral sex, you can actually tell when she’s getting ready to climax. If it’s the real thing, your partner’s genitals are going to get a little swollen and flushed, looking pinker than before. Sometimes, when they get very engorged with blood, they can even appear dark red or purple and look much larger than normal.
Pay Attention To The Clitoris
When a woman starts to get aroused, the head of the clitoris will come out from underneath the hood. This is so it is easier for a woman to receive clitoral stimulation. However, as she gets closer and closer to orgasm, it will bury itself underneath the hood again. This is because the clitoris gets more and more sensitive as a woman gets more and more aroused, to the point where the sensations can almost be too much.
Vaginal Contractions
When a woman reaches climax, the vagina is going to start to contract and tense up, and then release very rapidly. This spasming can be felt with your fingers or your penis during sex and it is completely involuntary. This movement is actually almost impossible to fake. A woman can contract the vagina on purpose, but real orgasmic contractions are very fast and irregular, almost “fluttery” like.
After A Real Orgasm
If a woman has truly reached climax and is finished, she’s going to be ultra sensitive. The clitoris and nipples will be very sensitive and she may want you to stop everything all together. This is because after a real orgasm, it’s actually so sensitive it becomes painful.
Sweaty Sex Is Good Sex
When your partner gets close to reaching climax, she’s going to start to sweat either from all the activity you guys are doing or from the muscles being so tensed up, or both. If she’s really getting ready to reach climax, all of your partner’s muscles are going to tense up and become rigid. Your lover’s chest will get red and flushed, and the cheeks will get pink. These things won’t be happening if she’s not truly aroused – if she’s not being honest about it, the most you’re going to get is some porn star noises.
How To Spot A Fake
This technique is actually a little mean spirited, so use it wisely and only if you truly think your girl is faking orgasms. When she’s acting like she’s really close to orgasm and she’s almost there, stop everything you’re doing at once. If she was truly almost there, she’s not going to be happy that you ruined the climax. If it wasn’t the real deal, she’s likely not to show extreme upset at the fact that you stopped.
Ladies: Communicate With Your Partner
Ladies, you know that guys are liable at any time to stop what they’re doing and change it up to something completely different – which can be disastrous if you’re almost over the edge. When you’re getting close, make a point to let your partner know that he needs to keep doing whatever he’s doing until you have an orgasm. Let him know that you’re almost there – so he doesn’t stop and do something else and ruin your climax.