While that may seem like a silly question, it’s actually not.
What it is, however, is urban legend. Many people hear these types of urban legends from their friends or from their relatives, and they were probably started to discourage people from having sex.
Remember the one about how masturbation gives you hairy palms? Or about how masturbation can cause blindness? Truth be told, masturbation causes none of these things and the same can be said of orgasms.
Dear Dan and Jennifer,
Do orgasms kill brain cells?
– Kristen, Pennsylvania
But wasn’t there a study?
That said, there is probably a study out there, somewhere, that suggests otherwise. Of course there is! There are studies all over the place that suggest things are harmful, but other studies that suggest that they’re not.
For example, studies for the longest time showed that red wine and chocolate were harmful to the body and recent studies are showing that red wine and dark chocolate are full of antioxidants and are actually good for you.
So you need to take what you hear with a big grain of salt and, of course, consider the source of the information.
Did you hear that orgasms kill brain cells from someone who might have an ulterior motive, such as someone who would want to keep you from having sex? Or did you hear it from a friend who might want to be jerking your chain? What about finding the information on the Internet? Who published it and what website did you find it on?
Do some digging and you might just find out what you heard or read is complete bull, and that’s true for a lot of things. If you hear of something you suspect to be true or untrue, make sure the source that you heard or read it from is credible.
What’s most important?
The most important thing is for you to live your life. If you really think about it, there’s something to be afraid of around every corner you turn. Statistics point this way and that way and every time you turn around, there’s a new epidemic to be frightened of or studies that show something you’ve done for years is suddenly bad for you.
If you don’t learn to just live your life and dismiss complete bunk right along with your kitchen garbage, you’ll spend the majority of your life preparing for the worst and most likely watching nothing happen.
That said, it’s important to be smart and safe as well. Does Bloody Mary appear in the bathroom mirror when you turn out all the lights and say her name three times? No. Do orgasms kill brain cells? No. Does masturbation cause hairy palms and blindness? No.
Does unprotected sex have the possibility to cause pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases? Sure does. So make sure when you do have sex that you’re being safe about it and you’re not engaging in something that really is dangerous to you.
Don’t miss the forest for the trees and ignore safe sex because you’re worried about orgasms killing your brain cells. You’ll be just fine as long as you play it safe and play it smart.