Masturbation is an absolutely normal, healthy part of your sex life whether you’re a guy or a girl. But pretty much everything has side effects, right? Does masturbation have any potential side effects, both good and bad? What can you expect from masturbation and what is the best way to handle it?
Question: Are there any side effects to masturbation? Is it true that if you masturbate on a daily basis, when you have sex with your girlfriend you won’t be as aroused or you won’t crave the sex as much? Can it affect penis size or growth?
–YouTube Viewer
Penis Size And Growth
Masturbation – even frequent masturbation – won’t affect your penis size or penis growth. Masturbation won’t affect puberty at all, so you don’t have to worry about masturbation stunting your growth or causing weight gain. If you masturbate often without proper lubricant, you might end up a little raw or sore, but there are no growth side effects from masturbation at all. Masturbation definitely won’t give you hairy palms or make you go blind either. Masturbation, if not in excess, is normal and healthy for both men and women.
Using Masturbation To Decrease Need For Sex
Many men, both teenagers and adults, have a very prominent sex drive. They enjoy sex and want it often. If they are sexually active, they’re usually very excited and it can cause a man to climax very quickly or even prematurely before sex. Masturbation can be used to “calm” a man down before sex, allowing him to slow down and enjoy it more. His body won’t be in such an extreme state of desire that he is completely focused on sex. Men who have very active sex drives may find that masturbation helps them to lead a more normal, satisfying life. Other men, however, may have the opposite effect from masturbation. They may find that masturbation satisfies their need for sexual pleasure so thoroughly that they aren’t able to climax or even become erect when having sex with their partners. Experiment with masturbation before sex and see how it affects you. You may find that you don’t need to masturbate at all if you’re with someone with whom you have sex with regularly, or you may find that you need to masturbate often in addition to having sex to truly satisfy your needs and make your sex life more enjoyable.
Are You Addicted To Masturbation?
Masturbation – just like sex, drugs, cigarettes, food and alcohol – can be addicting. If you find yourself masturbating very often, daily or even more than once a day, you may be addicted to masturbation. Ask yourself a few questions. Do you find that you’re masturbating out of habit, without even thinking about it? Do you find that masturbating is interfering with your life? Are you turning down dates or going home after school or work instead of hanging out with your friends so you can masturbate? Masturbation can be addicting and it is possible to break the addiction and have good, healthy masturbation instead. Consider talking to a sex therapist or a counselor if you find that you may be addicted to masturbation.