Sexting is such a great way arouse a woman (without even touching her), but many guys fail to use the right language when sexting and it ends up not working at all. The most important part of sexting is to use the kind of language that instantly gets your partner thinking about sex – and gets your lover’s imagination working at the same time. Check out these phrases you can use while sexting to instantly get your sweetie’s mind in the gutter.
Sexting Successfully Is All About Picking The Right Words
While you do get some points for making the effort to use your cell phone to communicate with your partner sexually, sexting is not going to work well (or at all) if you’re not picking the right words and using the right language. For example, lame (but somehow popular) phrases might sound something like:
- “You are so sexy…”
- “I like your tits…”
- “You are hot…”
As you can see, this language is completely uninspired and thoroughly “blah.” These phrases will do nothing to turn a woman on, simply because the words that are being used are doing nothing to spark your woman’s imagination and get the brain thinking about having sex.
This is where understanding the primary difference between they way men and women think about sex comes in. A man’s sex drive is often ignited by anything visual, such as porn, a naughty pic or even just a woman in a bikini. On the other hand, however, a woman’s sex drive is ignited by the exact opposite – a woman will get more turned on by reading or imagining something than just looking at it.
Instead of using lame phrases, strive to create sensual language when sexting your lover. Fore example, think of ways you can change an ordinary text into something incredible:
Instead of saying “I want to have sex with you tonight,” try saying “I’m going to make love to you tonight…make your whole body shudder…make you feel that warm, wonderful pleasure pulsing through your limbs, building and building until you explode in an orgasm.”
Using Primal, Sensual Language
A woman isn’t going to be turned on by hearing the words “tits,” or “sexy,” or “hot.” These just aren’t going to do it. The word “tits” does absolutely nothing to spark a woman’s imagination. On the other hand, however, using the word “thrust” is more likely to send your partner into a memory of the last time you two had particularly amazing sex – and she’s going to replay your thrusting in her mind over and over again – all because you used one simple word.
Another example of using primal language might be to use the word “lick” or “suck.” Instead of sexting your woman and saying “I want to go down on you,” you might want to say something like, “I can’t wait to get home and put my hot tongue on your clitoris. I’m going to lick you up and down until you squirt.” By using such sexy, descriptive language, you’re going to get your girl to immediately start imagining you performing oral sex.
Stimulate The “Sex” Area Of Your Lover’s Brain
So you know that using details and language that really play into the sexual part of a woman’s mind is the key to sexting. But what exactly are the phrases that when put into any text will instantly get your lover’s mind working? Next time you send your lover a racy text, try using some of these words when describing what you want to do – and what you want your woman to do to you.
- Thrust
- Scratch
- Hips
- Hair
- Eyes
- Throat
- Nipple
- Shudder
- Shock
- Force
- Grab
- Giggle
- Slap
- Spank
Other excellent words to use when sexting your partner are sexy verbs that are similar to those used in romance novels and erotic literature. For example, try using words like:
- Lick
- Suck
- Tickle
- Touch
- Slide
- Soft
- Hot
- Sweaty
- Throbbing
- Shaking
- Wet
- Dripping
- Sticky
- Taste
- Feel
- Hard
In addition to using the right words when sexting your lover, you also want to avoid using the wrong words. There are some words that even erotic novel authors use that aren’t going to arouse your woman – they’re going to make your lover laugh. Words that will make you sound ridiculous might be:
- Manmeat
- Man sausage
- Love button
- Sex hole
- Globes
- Love stick
- Muffin
Remember that sexting should be fun and have a good time describing to your lover everything you want to do. She’ll imagine it all day long and when you actually get together, the fireworks will explode.