Premature ejaculation is like a knife striking at the heart of a good sex life. Until you discover the methods of stopping it you could not only fail to enjoy sex but leave your partner dissatisfied with you in bed.
So it’s a good thing there are natural methods to stopping premature ejaculation. It’s not something that requires surgical intervention or anything crazy like that, it just takes a bit of understanding of the human body and a few clever techniques. And of these clever techniques the most powerful one involves the PC muscle, kegel exercises and something called “The Block.”
The PC Muscle
The PC muscle is a very important muscle when it comes to sex. It’s one of the key muscles that causes you to ejaculate and can also be used to stop you from ejaculating – and that’s where the real power comes in.
With the right training and use of this muscle you can develop to a point where you can literally stop an orgasm dead in its tracks. And not only will you stop ejaculation, after doing it you’ll stay hard and be able to carry on sex for a significant time afterwards.
So the first step is identifying where your PC muscle is. When you urinate you’ll notice that you have the ability to stop the urine flow. When you stop the urine flow you’re effectively contracting or “squeezing” your PC muscle. Squeezing your PC muscle is like standing on a hose pipe… When you stand on it or “squeeze” it you stop the flow of liquid going through it. This is why when you squeeze your PC muscle while urinating the urine flow stops.
Eventually your aim will be to stop your ejaculation by squeezing your PC muscle, but before I explain exactly how to do that you need to strengthen the muscle first.
Your PC muscle is similar to other muscles in the body in the sense that if you exercise it regularly it will grow in size and strength. And the process of exercising it is often called performing “kegels.” Performing kegels is easy and only takes about 5 minutes 6 times a week.
How To Perform Kegels
Any time when you’re just sitting around or not occupied (i.e. when your penis is flaccid and NOT while you’re urinating) all you’ve got to do is squeeze your PC muscle tight as hard as you can for 2 seconds. Then relax it for 2 seconds. Then squeeze tight hard for 2 seconds and on and on. Do this 10 times to make one set of kegel exercises, then take a break for 1 or 2 minutes. Then do another set.
When starting out I’d recommend performing 2 sets, but it’s up to you to experiment with how many sets you do, how many repetitions you do and how tightly you squeeze. Over time you’ll want to increase the level of exercise you’re doing to strengthen your PC muscle further. If at any point whilst performing the exercise you feel pain stop immediately and take a break, this exercise should not be causing you any pain. Please do note at this point that what I’m tell you is only opinion which makes you responsible for your actions and you’ll want to see a doctor before beginning any new physical training program.
“The Block”
So part 2 of this process for stopping premature ejaculation involves “The Block”. I call it this for no other reason than that it sounds kinda cool. But what The Block involves doing is contracting or squeezing your PC muscle at just the right time so you stop ejaculation from happening.
It’s best to practise this on your own while masturbating first where you have a bit more control before taking it to the bedroom. The aim with The Block is to squeeze your PC muscle just before you ejaculate. The key element of pulling off “The Block” correctly is timing. If you squeeze too early you’ll have done nothing and you’ll still be super close to orgasm. If you squeeze too late then you’ll orgasm and ejaculate anyway.
When you do squeeze aim to hold your PC muscle tight for as long as it takes for the feel of ejaculation to subside. You may even experience an orgasm without ejaculation at this point, which is great. But keep that PC muscle squeezed until the ejaculation feeling subsides. If you got your timing right then once the feeling’s gone you should be able to last for at least another 5 minutes, if not more.
Now getting your timing perfect takes practice. So be prepared to fail at first. But with enough practice it’s well worth the effort. When you master this technique you have complete ejaculation control. No matter how severe your condition, what your penis size, what genes you were born with or what your woman does you can last longer in bed with this technique, so it’s definitely worth taking the time to master it.