Dirty talk can spice up your sex life and make it hotter than ever before. These dirty talk secrets will turn you into a SEX god!
Your Mindset
To get into the proper mindset for dirty talk, imagine studying and learning a new language. The first time you tried to wrap your head around say, Spanish, it probably felt like you would never master the skill and in the beginning, this may also feel as awkward.
Try to practice saying a phrase or two that you really find stimulating. Find some examples and make them your own. You don’t want it to feel forced. Once you begin to use some of these techniques, you will build on your intimacy with the rapport between you and your partner and it will begin to flow and become natural for you to speak to each other this way.
The Trust Factor
Real dirty talk is ideally for the married, committed couple and honestly, it is not intended for casual hookups. Its use is for a committed relationship and for the long haul. You may be asking yourself WHY?? It’s the trust factor. It takes a very trusting partnership to be able to lay yourself, so bare and so intimately, on the line with another person. You are exposing your innermost thoughts, sexual fantasies and desires. If you did this with everyone you dated, it would lose its value and worth. Throwing around words or phrase examples you learn is not all that it takes to create a long lasting relationship. It is a tool to build on the sexual intimacy you have already started together and to in turn, make it stronger.
Comfort Level
Back to the “trust” level, it’s important that you both agree that you institute a “STOP” word when the level has gotten too dirty or to signal that one of you is becoming uncomfortable with the situation. Pick one! NOW!!! Make it something fun!! Your stop word can be as simple as “Bridle” – as in to “rein in your horse” – or just a sweet, quick, “Honey, hush.”
“Sponge Bob” is a great word to use if, say, one of you hears the kids up and moving around and you need your partner to know they might hear you or to let them know to turn their vocal volume way down low. Your comfort level will likely change and grow over time as you experiment with each other and find out what works, what doesn’t and expand on your vocabulary.
What’s Offensive And What’s Not
Understand up front, that some words you try may be found to be offensive by your partner. Then again, you may be surprised at the types of words that get your partner turned on. IF there are words that your partner finds offensive, kick it to the curb, and find another word to take its place. Some women may find it offensive to be called a whore, slut or cock-sucker in the bedroom, while others may even encourage it.
Play With Your Location
Dirty talk is fun and gives an added dimension to your regular lovemaking, if your in-laws are visiting and sleeping in the next room or your child is having a slumber party, he or she may not feel like being as verbal. Be flexible!!