Seduction is a game that you have to get good at if you want to get a woman in bed with you. Try these seduction tactics if you want to get laid tonight!
So, we’ve all been there. You meet a woman that is really cool and you’ve been out with her a couple of times. Since you have taken her out for dinner over the last couple of dates, you want to move things into a more personal setting. You invite her over to your house for dinner and to hang out. Inviting a woman over to your house for dinner is one of the best ways to escalate the relationship to a physical and more personal level. This works the best because she gets to see your personal style and gains access to “your world.”
You cook the dinner and everything is going great. But then the nervousness comes in. How do you get her from the living room to your bedroom? This is where a lot of guys fumble. Getting her from your living room to your bedroom is not a very hard task, but many guys fail because they have not prepared for the situation. Here is a very simple guide on how to get her from the living room to the bedroom.
Getting Prepared
Preparing your home for an impending visit is imperative to success. Make sure that your bathroom has been cleaned prior to the girl coming over. If the girl walks into your bathroom and it’s messy or undesirables are left inside the you know where, you can be sure that she’s not going to see you in the most positive light. Vacuum, dust, and mop your floors. When it comes to your bedroom, make sure that your bed is made and that you have condoms in the nightstand. This is the only place in the house that you should keep them (more on that in a second). Dirty laundry should be in a clothes hamper in a closet and the blinds should be down. The last thing you want to do is be messing with blinds when you should be starting the seduction game.
NOTE: If at all possible, move the best TV in the house to your bedroom.
The Preview
Even though the girl has been out with you a few times, she could be just as nervous going to your house as you are having her over. When a woman comes to your home, they are in one way submitting trust. Even though this is fairly minimal, it’s still apparent. When she comes into your house, offer her a tour. This is essential to creating comfort. Women and men both feel uncomfortable with the unknown. When you give her a tour, she knows where everything is in the house and has a cognitive view of the entire structure. Think about this. Have you ever felt nervous when going to a new bar or club? That’s how she feels. This simple measure puts her at ease and starts the seduction process.
When you are finished with dinner, you can’t just start initiating foreplay. Come up with a way to display physicality between the two of you. A movie works best because you can put your arm around her or cuddle on the couch. Watching TV is not recommended because changing channels, awkward commercial breaks or indecisiveness on what to watch can interrupt the impending moment. You want a streamlined activity such as a movie to put the activity on autopilot. If you have a roommate, you can easily get her from the living room to the bedroom by saying something like “We should watch this in my room so we don’t bother my roommate.
Another way to get her from your living room to your bedroom is to say something like “The TV in my bedroom is better than the one down here” or “this couch isn’t very comfortable for watching a movie. We should go upstairs.” Since you have moved the best TV into your bedroom, this will work. Because she has already been in your room, she will be more compliant.
When To Throw In the Towel
Women are not stupid. If there is interest and trust, they will not have a problem with going into your bedroom. If she is repeatedly refusing to go into your bedroom, there is a problem. Half of seduction is knowing how to not push here too far. When she is uncomfortable she will have her guard up. When she is comfortable, she will comply with what you’re asking with little defiance. This is the easiest way to get her from your living room to your bedroom. When implemented properly, you will see a huge spike in your results.