Sex during pregnancy is something lots of men and women wonder about after they have found out they’re going to have a baby. Is intercourse during pregnancy always safe, never safe or sometimes safe? Here’s what you need to know about sex for pregnant women and how to cope if your doctor has instructed you to abstain from sex until the baby is born.
I’d like to say once again that I love your channel and what you guys are trying to do. Well, my friend has gotten his girlfriend pregnant and he feels awkward asking for sex from her. He asked me because I was always that go-to guy for advice, but now I’m stumped. So is it safe for pregnant women to have sex?
–YouTube Viewer
During The First Trimester
The first trimester of pregnancy – that is, the first three months – the baby is very, very small. In fact, it’s too small to be harmed by even the most wild, vigorous sex. The first month or two, the baby is microscopic and even in the third month, it is only an inch or two long. Sex during this stage of pregnancy is almost always safe, unless your doctor has said otherwise.
However, this is the stage you should be more worried about what goes into the pregnant woman’s body – such as drugs and alcohol. Consuming drugs or alcohol (even smoking cigarettes) during the first trimester can do a lot of damage. Even not getting the proper nutrients during this stage of development can hinder growth and cause problems such as spinal bifida and other malformations.
Too Tired For Sex?
During the first trimester, a lot of women aren’t interested in having sex. The hormones being produced by their bodies make them feel tired and stressed, not to mention that morning sickness usually occurs during this time. And don’t assume that morning sickness happens only in the morning – some women don’t have nausea at all and some feel queasy all day. Don’t pressure your partner if she’s not feeling like having sex – there are plenty of good reasons why.
The Second Trimester
After the first trimester of pregnancy, the nausea begins to subside and a woman may feel like she’s got her “second wind.” She’s probably feeling more like having sex, and may even initiate it with foreplay. This is the part of the pregnancy that you find out the gender of the baby and when she starts to show. But is it still safe even though the baby is getting bigger?
Unless a doctor has told you otherwise, it is perfectly safe to have sex during the second trimester. She may even find it more enjoyable during this time in her life than she ever has before – after all, her genitals are becoming very sensitive now. However, the sex positions that you always use might be more difficult now that the baby is starting to get bigger.
Even though the baby is starting to show, penetration still won’t hurt it because it is surrounded by protective amniotic fluid, the uterus and muscles.
The Third Trimester
This is the trimester in which the baby really starts to put on weight. You’ll notice that your partner is getting bigger and bigger each week, and finding comfortable sex positions is becoming even more difficult. Doggy style is a popular sex position during this stage of pregnancy because it allows the belly to stay out of the way.
As a woman progresses into pregnancy and her body gets ready to give birth, getting busy may actually speed the process along. Once a baby has become “full term,” usually around the 40th week of pregnancy, the hormones in a man’s semen (and the vigorous motion created during penetration) can actually induce labor. It’s also not uncommon for this to happen during the 38th or 39th week of pregnancy.
When Sex During Pregnancy Isn’t Safe
There are going to be times when engaging in sexual activity during pregnancy isn’t safe for the woman or the baby. Usually, this is in the case of very high risk pregnancies. Ask a doctor whether the pregnancy is considered high risk and if it is okay to have sex. Don’t be afraid to get specific and ask which activities and sex positions are safe and which aren’t.
If intercourse becomes painful for a woman during the pregnancy, let the doctor know immediately. Intercourse during pregnancy may be uncomfortable at times, but it shouldn’t be painful. Many guys (and girls) are embarrassed to talk to their doctors about things of a sexual nature, but her obstetrician is going to have the best answers for you on what is safe and what isn’t.
What To Do If You Can’t Have Sex
If your girl is up to it, consider being intimate with each other in ways that don’t include penetration if your doctor has suggested you abstain from intercourse. Many guys are afraid they’re going to be left out if their pregnant partners can’t have sex, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Oral sex is a great way to satisfy her sexually and vice versa. Very rarely, if ever, is oral sex dangerous to a developing fetus.
You can also experiment with sex toys for her that don’t involve penetration, such as vibrators for the clitoris. Anal play can also be an option if she’s into it and her doctor has given the green light on it. Be creative and explore different ways to please each other sexually without engaging in actual intercourse.
If She Doesn’t Want – Or Can’t Do – Anything
If intercourse is out and she just doesn’t want to (or can’t for some reason) try oral sex or any other type of sexual activity, you’re just going to have to bite the bullet on this one. A masturbation sleeve can be your best friend during this time, because you might just have to resort to it more often than you actually get to do it with your partner.
Don’t pressure her for intercourse if she can’t or doesn’t want to. Her body is going through many changes and there’s lots of good reasons that she might not want to engage in any kind of sexual activity at all. Just grab a bottle of lube and take a few minutes to take care of things yourself. Your partner will appreciate not being hounded about having sex when she just doesn’t feel like it.