Porn can be a way to get any guy through dry spell or to spice up the love life between a couple. However, the most common questions is whether or not adult movies are actually bad for you. While it does allow people to indulge in their fantasies, there can be several repercussions to bring pornography into any relationship. If you are a single guy, it can also have detrimental effects to the expectations of future lovers. Here are a few ways that adult films can actually be bad for you.
It Raises Your Expectations A Little Too High
Porn is the equivalency of fantasy. When you start watching it, it is very easy to fall into the trap of living out your sexual fantasies through the characters in the movie. Lusting after porn stars that are willing to do anything can easily be detrimental to relationship that you have been in for a while or a relationship that might just be starting out. When your partner sees women that have an insatiable appetite for sex, it can put a lot of pressure into the relationship.
Guys who are single can also expect new lovers to try different positions or activities based on the adult movies they have watched. This expectation for a lover to live up to the porn stars in the movies can also create tension that would not have been there otherwise. The reality is that most women do not have the libido that men have. Not all women are shaped to the way that they are in pornography.
When men watch too much porn, they can easily push women into doing things that they do not feel comfortable with. They can also start to believe that certain sex acts are universally loved by all women.
It Desensitizes You To Sex
Porn can easily desensitize you to actual sex, leaving you with an unsatisfying feeling when you have real sex. Sex is not about getting off as hard or as fast as you can. Sex should be about the love between two consenting adults. The problem with pornography is that it will subconsciously leave you with a feeling of wanting more. This can easily turn into a vicious cycle to lowers the amount of pleasure that you feel when you are not only watching porn, having sex in real life.
If you have been watching it for a long time, you will start to see just how desensitized you have become. A video that got you really turned on two years ago may not do it for you now. Before there were things like the Internet, guys had to rely on things such as magazines or old-school pinup pictures of women. Now that the Internet is a full-fledged information machine and you can basically watch any kind of movie you want after just a few clicks, the desensitization can easily get out of control.
Porn Objectifies Women
Probably the worst thing about the adult industry is that it caters to men by objectifying women. Although there are videos that show women in control, they are not in control because of their mind or because of their physical abilities. They use their sexuality to get what they want. Pornography turns women into things that are pretty much there to satisfy the man’s sexual urge. Women should be loved because of who they are and not because of what they can provide a man sexually.
It’s Easy To Become Addicted To It
Because of all of these reasons, porn can easily become addicting. Anything that offers instant gratification can become addicting, however, pornography is becoming more and more accessible. With the invention of mobile internet, a lot of porno websites are starting to launch mobile versions of their site. While this can be great for mobile commerce, this can lead to temptation for men finding it hard to resist their addictions.
Porn is a different beast than alcohol or drugs. Porn is not illegal if you are of age. It is not even bad for the body in a physical sense, so it’s hard to regulate this for the normal male. Watching too much porn can lead to porn addiction when masturbating.
Porn, like alcohol or sweets, can be fun and harmless in small doses. However, if you start to go overboard, you might find it difficult to form a healthy relationship with a woman who is not as kinky as you. Talk with your partner or any potential partners about their views on the subject before you expose them to the kind of porn that you like.