OK, so you’re in a great relationship and the sex is great too…
Except for the fact that there are one or two sexual positions or techniques that you just can’t seem to get ‘right’. Is it really important to be able to have an orgasm in certain positions or while performing certain acts such as oral sex?
That’s what today’s question is all about…
Dear Dan and Jennifer.
Hi, I am 20 years old and my boyfriend is 21. We’ve been having sex for almost a year now. We have GREAT sex. He’s given me multiple orgasms during intercourse.
There’s just one thing he has never been able to get me to orgasm on and that is when he gives me oral sex. We’ve tried many things like whipped cream, hot chocolate, and ice.
I feel bad because he thinks that he’s just not doing it good enough to please me. I don’t know what to do because he’ll ask me what I like and I really don’t like it that much. I don’t masturbate so I really don’t know what I like. I have tried it but it’s just something I really don’t do.
Is there something wrong with me that I just can’t get an orgasm from oral sex. Or are there some things or techniques you could advise me to try out with him. I just don’t know what to do anymore and I could use some advice.
Thank you,
Here’s a resource we recommend for helping women achieve orgasm every time:
- Check out our review of The Female Orgasm Black Book. You’ll be very surprised by the percentage of women who have NEVER had an orgasm with a man – we certainly were.