If your girlfriend isn’t having an orgasm when you give her oral sex, you’re not alone. While many women love oral sex, others just can’t let go enough to get to the big “O” when their guys are going down on them. Here’s how to figure out why she’s not able to have an orgasm through oral sex and what you can do to change it.
Question: Me and my girlfriend have a good sex life but whenever I go down on her she stops me after about 5-10 minutes and tells me she’s too tired. This sounds strange to me because whenever she performs on me I don’t seem to get tired. This bothers me because she rarely reaches orgasm and she doesn’t get the full satisfaction. Is there anything I can do and is this common in women?
–YouTube Viewer
Why She’s Getting Frustrated
It’s easy for a woman to get frustrated with her partner when he’s going down on her. If she’s not getting close to orgasm, or she is getting close and just can’t seem to make it over the edge, it can easily cause frustration and make her want to stop. There could be a lot of reasons why she’s not able to reach orgasm. She might not be able to relax after her day at work or school and the stress of day to day problems might not be something she’s easily able to let go of. Another reason she may not be able to have an orgasm when you go down on her is your technique. You may actually be causing her pain instead of pleasure, because a woman’s clitoris and vaginal folds can be very sensitive to too much pressure or the wrong kind of touch.
Learning To Communicate With Your Partner
Your girlfriend may be telling you she is “too tired” to continue on with oral sex because she just doesn’t know what else to tell you. She may be embarrassed to tell you that you’re not doing it right, or she may not know how to tell you what she likes when you go down on her. As a result, she may just be settling for telling you that she’s too tired and giving up on getting pleasure from oral sex all together. If you really want to learn how to pleasure her orally, take some time to talk to her and communicate with her. Don’t do it during sex, before sex or right after. Discuss with her how she feels about it and what suggestions she has for doing it differently when you are having dinner or watching a movie.
Brush Up On Your Oral Sex Skills
Don’t assume that because your girlfriend is telling you that she’s too tired for oral sex that it’s what she really means. Don’t assume that your oral sex skills are fine and that the problem lies with her. There is always room for learning and brushing up on your oral sex skills! You’d be surprised at what you don’t know about female anatomy and how a woman likes to recieve oral sex. Take our female orgasm quiz to see if you really know how to please a woman when you go down on her!