Erotic massage doesn’t have to be limited to her back. Instead, make your way to her vulva and massage her down there to get her totally aroused!
Here, you assume the role of a giver. For best results, place a pillow or two under her buttocks. Position yourself beside her or between her legs, in such a way that you have maximum access to her vulva.
These strokes deal largely with the Labia majora, and to the giver, it may seem there’s not much difference among strokes – but to your lady, whose eyes are closed, fully intent on savoring every minute, the trivial variations become different adventures. You’ll be amazed at how simple modifications alter her experience significantly.
You will also notice that none of the strokes intend to penetrate the vagina.
1. “Hello” Technique
Always start with this one. It’s not really a stroke as it is a way to get things rolling. Position your hand like a panty covering her vulva and cup your palm to her shape. Do not move your hand. Not yet. Feel the heat emanating from her. Add eye contact for better results.
“Hello” has a two-fold purpose. One, it’s a getting-to-know-you time. You gain familiarity of her curves & musculature, her soft and fat parts. Molding your palm on her equipment affords you prudence later in the erotic massage. Two, it’s a comfort building technique in that it introduces your hand to her thing. Remember that you’re about to man-handle what women consider as their core, the innermost sanctum of their being.
2. Palm Circulars
Maintaining the “HELLO” position, move your palm in circular motions. Think: Karate Kid “Wax On, Wax Off” motions. Easy, isn’t it?
Here are a few things to consider:
- You may go Clockwise or Counterclockwise. (She may prefer one over the other)
- Palm circulars go at different intensities. The soft variety is when your palm merely hovers around her vulva, the hard version is when you grab the fleshy parts and move it in circles.
- Regarding speed, start the erotic massage slow. Most women prefer RHYTHM over jerky movements, so let your circles flow.
3. Palm or Thumb Glide
Spread your lady’s legs and see how the slit divides her vulva into a left and a right side. Place your palms on her labia majora. If they’re too big, use your thumb or any of the fingers instead. They have the advantage of inducing more focused strokes.
If in the previous technique you were concerned with circular movements, the Palm Glide is all about UP and DOWN movements. (Glide UP even as high as her belly area, and DOWN, near the anus.)
4. Spread & Squeeze
This time, it’s TO THE SIDES.
The Spread & Squeeze part of the erotic massage teases the vulva to open up. You may use your palm, thumb, or any of the fingers for this. Slowly spread the vulva by stroking to the sides, away from the central slit. Stroke to the sides, (not too far or she’ll feel vulnerable and self-conscious.)
For the Squeeze, go the opposite direction by slowly gliding towards the central slit. Let the two inward strokes meet at the center as if mending a torn dress. Join the two sides of her majora.
Now, with your thumb and forefinger, pinch and hold, then release. The ladies would appreciate a gentle pulling or tugging at this point.
5. Thumb Circulars
This is one of those erotic massage strokes that really get women going. Using the flat of your thumb, employ circular strokes while gliding UP & DOWN her Labia majora. The combination of 2 movements results into spiral strokes on her vulva. Nice!
Vary the size and direction of the circles you make.
6. Finger Walk
Use the flat of your fingers to walk around the vulval zone. Point to an area and then PRESS… and RELEASE. Then repeat. You’re not just brushing or tapping but generating pressure. Imagine you’re playing the piano and you’re masterfully pressing her keys.
A variation is the Finger Moonwalk. Do the press, but before releasing, add a slide element to it. Slide your fingers back towards the wrist, continuing the pressure as you do. Your fingers make possible different variations, experiment and do random press and slides. The multipoint stimulation would make her purr like a cat.
7. Pinch & Slide
This one’s not recommended for sensitive vulvas.
The fleshy areas or those skin folds are homes to the Pinch & Slide. Assuming you’ve employed ample lubrication, pinch an area using your thumb and pointer finger. Hold for a second. That’s the ‘pinch’ part. The ‘slide’ happens when you do a little bit of pulling. As you pull, let the patch of skin or flesh slowly slip from your grasp and pop to freedom.
After releasing, target another area and repeat.
8. The Labial Tug
Her Labia minoras will always be screaming for action during an erotic massage like this.
Using your thumb and pointer finger, tug on her minoras. Not too much but with enough force so she can feel the pull on her clitoris. Tug at different directions and find out what angles work for her. Release by letting it snap off your grasp.
TUG, then RELEASE. Repeat as desired.
After acing the massage, look at your woman and notice how horny she already is. Give yourself a mental pat on the back and proceed to Phase 3 – stimulating the clit itself.