Premature ejaculation doesn’t have to ruin your sex life – or your partner’s. Cure it for good by avoiding this one simple mistake.
When one talks about premature ejaculation, it is almost always about finding sex tips, techniques and products to last longer in bed. Rarely do men talk about what they should NOT do. You see, there are many mistakes that men make that hamper their progress in lasting longer. This article will reveal the number one mistake that most guys make.
It All Stems From What Premature Ejaculation Really Is
What do I mean? It begins with what you know as PE. Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates sooner than he or his partner feels is appropriate.
For some guys, this could be 30 seconds; for other men, even 10 minutes is considered premature. So there really are varying perspectives about what “premature” truly is. And if you cannot define it, there is no way you can put a stop to your problem.
So Do This Now
Take a moment and think about what it means to last longer for you and your partner; think about how long is “long enough” for the both of you to be truly satisfied, and for her to have an orgasm.
Most men skipped this altogether and it is little wonder that many failed to address their premature ejaculation problem. Simply put, if you are not specific about your desired OUTCOME, how would you know if you have succeeded?
That is the biggest mistake that most men make when trying to learn how to last longer without even realizing it!
So get this part of your bedroom problem sorted out right now. Decide on your desired outcome – how long you want to be able to last.
Tracking Your Progress
Once you get that sorted out, you need to track your progress. This is the only way to know if you will ever achieve your target. Those tips and tricks – however powerful they are – will all come to nothing if you have no way of knowing if you are improving at all!
Starting a journal to record your improvements in stamina is a smart thing to do. It doesn’t have to be drilled down exactly to the last second. I’m sure you can tell the difference between lasting a minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Write that down.
Something magical happens when you do that and hold yourself accountable. As you see real, actual improvement, you will begin to feel much more motivated and rewarded. And your endurance will start to soar and so will your sexual confidence!