The female orgasm is known for being super elusive, but no more! Here’s the best way to give your girl an orgasm in just seconds.
That sounds like a pretty bold statement to make – but that is exactly what can happen when you learn and apply what is in this article. Many men want to improve their sexual stamina and last longer during sex, thinking this is the only way to give their women an orgasm.
Why Lasting Longer Is Not The Key
Let me explain.
There are many powerful techniques for helping men last longer in bed, for example, by strengthening the pelvic muscles; or even through the use of delay sprays and lotions.
But these methods are simply masking the symptoms of the problem and not addressing the root causes.
Almost all cases related to maintaining a hard erection and lasting longer boils down to one thing – you are too unsure or too nervous in the bedroom.
Gaining sexual confidence is the only genuine way to completely obliterate any performance anxiety in the bedroom and lasting as long as you want. The problem with having great sex is that the issue is NOT about lasting longer.
Mastering Her Sexual Response
It really is about how to completely master your partner’s sexual response and gain her trust in bed. Most women view sex NOT as a means to an end, but as a titillating journey to the end itself. They cherish how they are brought to an orgasm, and not just about the orgasm itself.
The ability to last longer is an integral part of great lovemaking, but many guys make it to be more important than it really is. Here’s the simple truth – if you can last more than 10 minutes of thrusting, you already have all it takes to be a phenomenal lover. Most women don’t need that kind of continuous penetration, simply because they tend to dry out from that constant thrusting before it starts to hurt.
The way to a woman’s orgasm is not in penetrative sex. It lies in what you do BEFORE you make love to her! Many studies have shown that more women get an orgasm from oral sex and foreplay than from intercourse! This means you should really pay attention to the techniques to get her sexually-charged before intercourse.
This will increase your sexual “competence”. And when you achieve that kind of mastery, the confidence you get will obliterate the problem of not lasting long enough!
When you understand this powerful stuff, it is entirely possible to give your woman an orgasm within seconds, without the need to last very long!