Penis size isn’t the only thing responsible for female orgasms – you CAN please a woman with a small penis! Here’s how to make your penis size COUNT!
Is your penis size important in sex and in giving her powerful orgasms? In other words, is a bigger penis better for sex? That seems to be the proverbial question that men have been asking since the dawn of civilization. Well, what if I told you that your penis size is not a big deal after all? In fact, it is the lousiest among all “tools” you can bring to the bed! Why is that so?
The Truth About Penis Size And Sex
Ask any woman who loves great sex and have experienced great sex. She will tell you that the size of one’s manhood does not feature much in how she enjoys the experience. So put aside that penis extender or male enhancement pills you have been popping all day! A big penis is a great asset to have, but the skills you bring to bed will be your defining moment during sex. Besides pumping in and out, what else can your penis do?
Do Casanovas And Don Juans Have Great Assets In Between Their Thighs?
The secret is out. No they don’t! Even if a guy is small like a mosquito, he can still outperform any clueless lad with a much bigger “asset”! As long as you know how to please, pleasure and caress any woman properly, you can bring great sex to the bedroom, anytime anywhere! And believe me when I say that those Casonovas and Don Juans in the world are only average as far as their penis size goes.
The Myth About Penetration And Orgasm
Penetration is just about the only thing that happens during intercourse. Well, that is just what most guys think. When in the throes of pleasure, most men would focus only on themselves and pump away until they reach the inevitable goal – their own orgasm. But is your woman enjoying a great time too? Well, most probably not! You see, women are incredibly different from guys. Women don’t just live for the moment of orgasm. They relish the way they are brought to a climax.
The simple truth is this: The vast majority of women are not able to reach an orgasm though penetration alone simply because her clitoris – the nerve center of a woman’s orgasm – is not properly stimulated via penetration. So your penis, big or small, does not figure much in triggering those incredible waves of pleasure in her.
So How Do I Give Her An Orgasm?
Simple! Just observe what SHE does when she stimulates herself (a great majority of women can reach a orgasm through masturbation alone!). Mimic the motions, the angles, the intensity she use on herself. Then use them on her!