Premature ejaculation can wreck your sex life. Use this simple technique to say goodbye to premature ejaculation forever!
What you may not know is that for an orgasm to happen there has to be tension in your body.
What Happens Before Orgasm
Think about what happens normally to your muscle during sex just before orgasm. They tense up, right? In particular you’ll notice that your leg and butt muscles tense up the most. The reason they tense up is because in order for an orgasm to happen there has to be a release of tension.
Orgasms don’t just happen out of nowhere. A process has to happen inside you for them to happen. And the body’s natural process for experiencing an orgasm is to tense up and then release that tension through orgasm.
But what happens if there’s no tension? Well then it’s a LOT more difficult for you to experience an orgasm. And this is quite simply because the fuel needed for your body to experience an orgasm isn’t there.
If there’s no tension, you will struggle to experience an orgasm.
What does this all mean?
Well it means that if you want to last longer in bed and stop premature ejaculation then you need to take control of the tension in your muscles during sex.
Eliminating Tension From Your Muscles
Now you may have already guessed from the title what the best way is to eliminate tension from the body – the right breathing!
What 99% of men do during sex is they breathe many quick shallow breaths. It happens instinctively. Our breath is pretty much the LAST thing on our minds during sex.
So our subconscious mind just goes into default mode and breathes quick shallow breaths because of all the excitement it’s experiencing. Sex is an exciting experience for us so our lungs naturally react by taking in quick shallow breaths.
Unfortunately quick shallow breaths increase tension levels. This is because your breath and your body’s state are INTIMATELY linked. So if you breath in a nervous, excited and tense way then your body’s state will mimic that and you will ejaculate too early.
But the opposite is also true!
How Breathing The Right Way Will Help You Last Longer In Bed
You can take advantage of the fact that your breath affects it, because if during sex you instead consciously breathe in slow deep breaths, your body reacts in a totally different way.
Inhaling deeply and slowly relaxes all your muscles. It’s just how humans work.
This is why arts like yoga and Tai-Chi make such a BIG deal out of breath. Because it has a DRAMATIC affect on the state of your body.
By influencing the state of your body you influence how long you last in bed. Remember earlier when I was talking about how tension is needed for orgasm? Well, this is where the whole idea of breath comes in. By inhaling slowly and deeply you relax all your muscles. And by relaxing your muscles, you HUGELY reduce the tension in them too. Without tension, it’s much harder for you to reach orgasm.
Without the fuel for orgasm it’s MUCH easier to last longer in bed and ultimately stop premature ejaculation. So, in other words if you want to stop premature ejaculation just consciously breathe slow and deeply during sex.